
Site Selection
Prime locations are not always easy to come by. Therefore, our highly experienced real estate team will assist you in identifying and securing prime real estate sites to ensure that you select a location with the best chance for success. Once potential sites are identified, we assist in negotiating leases for a variety of issues including price per square foot, build-out time and allowances, renewal terms, etc.
Project Management
Once your lease is signed, the clock starts ticking. Every day that your restaurant is not open is a day that you are not putting money back into your pocket. To ensure your restaurant opens as soon as possible, we offer a complete project management service.
Equipment Package
Fire of Brazil supports you with a consolidated equipment package that covers every piece of equipment in your restaurant. We have carefully refined the package to fit the exact needs of your restaurant.
Complete Training Program
You will learn the system by training live in an open store and be assisted by a full opening crew in your new store. You will hit the ground running when you open your restaurant after you learn how to develop your sales and marketing plan, setup your back office, and hone your restaurant management skills.
Operations Manual and Ongoing Support
This manual provides detailed instructions on hiring, training, and motivating employees, day-to-day operations, and accounting. The manual is a blueprint for all of our operational systems, so we require everyone to keep it under their pillows at night. But support doesn't end once your store is built, your staff trained, and your business is opened. Each store is assigned a Marketing Consultant who will assist in the strategic and operational questions that you will inevitably encounter after your Grand Opening. We're here to motivate, encourage, and share best practices.
Step 1: Submit a Franchise Application and Financial Statement
Applicants must have a minimum net worth of $500,000 per store, of which a substantial portion is in liquid assets. International applicants must have a minimum net worth of $1-$3 million +/- per store, of which a substantial portion is in liquid assets. Typically, 20-25% of the total project cost will be required as an equity investment in each project. Project costs range from $150,000-$1,000,000. If you are not in the financial position to solely pursue this business venture, partnerships are an acceptable business structure.
Step 2: Application Review and Final Processing
After we receive the completed application, we prepare background, character and credit checks to verify all submitted information. If these reports are favorable, you will receive preliminary approval and we will begin the process of determining the feasibility of a long-term business relationship.
Step 3: First Personal Meeting, Receive Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC)
At this meeting, you will learn about our franchise program and the support we offer (such as site selection, training, marketing, etc.). We will discuss your responsibilities to the franchise system and your personal qualifications and business objectives. You will also be invited to contact any of our current franchisees, and be provided with our Uniform Franchise Offering Circular. Take some time to thoroughly review our Uniform Franchise Offering Circular and discuss the Fire of Brazil concept with your partners. Call us with any additional questions you may have during this step.
Step 4: Second Personal Meeting:
A second meeting is scheduled. The applicant will meet with the President/CEO, as well as other members of the Fire of Brazil Executive Staff. This time is also used to thoroughly review specific Offering Circular, Development Agreement and Franchise Agreement questions. Development issues and territory discussions are also covered. At some point after this second meeting we would anticipate executing a Development Agreement. Also at this time, we would expect to see a full business plan outlining your intentions.
Step 5: Identify a Site for Your First Fire of Brazil Restaurant
Next; you will select a site in which you would like to open your first restaurant. We will assist you in finding and approving a location suitable for a Fire of Brazil within your exclusive Development Territory.
Step 6: Formal Commitment for Financing, Entering into a Franchise Agreement
Once a location is selected and the terms have been negotiated, you will then enter into a Fire of Brazil Franchise Agreement and pay the franchise fee. International sites are to be discussed per country or city with the International Master Franchisee
Step 7: Approval of Plans and Construction
Once capitalization of the restaurant is formalized, we will assist you in developing site and construction plans which must include our unique design and decor. You will be provided with a Fire of Brazil Planning and Design Specifications.
Step 8: Strategic Planning Session
Prior to the opening of your first Fire of Brazil Restaurant, a final meeting is scheduled at our home office. The Franchise Strategic Planning Session normally lasts five hours and involves an individual planning session with each Fire of Brazil department head. The expectations we have of each other are candidly discussed in order to achieve clear communication and objectives.
Step 9: Training
You and/or your operating partner are then scheduled to attend our management training program,
Step 10: Complete construction and open for business
After you have successfully completed your training, you prepare for your restaurant opening with the help of your Fire of Brazil team of Operations and Marketing personnel and other company representatives.
Step 11: Continued Support
Fire of Brazil, Inc. will assist and support you with one of the best support systems in the restaurant industry. We will support you in the areas of purchasing, marketing, development, construction, research and design, human resources, etc.
How to apply
To receive a Fire of Brazil Franchisee Application, please contact Brent Gilbertson at (678) 361-5559 (10am-6pm est Mon-Sat), or by email at